When Sports Cameras Capture More Than Expected

Published on 01/31/2017

Thank goodness for photographers, otherwise life would pass by in the blink of an eye. Granted, it does that already but when a photo captures that particular moment, it stays with us for the rest of time. Something we can personally look back on or future generations can look back to. However in these cases, the camera captured more than anticipated, take a look!

Hero or Superhero?

Now this is the meaning of cat-like reflexes! I don’t think that kid even had a chance to react as to what was happening but luckily dad was paying attention.


Hero or Superhero?


Lesson Learned

Yeah, we’re pretty sure this Brewers baseball player may have taken his eye off the ball for just a split second. Either way, this does not look comfortable whatsoever. Ice, anyone?

Lesson Learned

Lesson Learned