15+ Staggering Images Of Life Inside North Korea

Published on 07/26/2017

Have you ever been to North Korea? Chances are most likely a big, whopping NO. However, there’s a reason for that, and it doesn’t involve an online college degree either. First of all, not many outsiders are allowed entry and moreover, you need a regulated visa and tons of cash. Furthermore you have probably heard that photography is highly restricted, especially for tourists. But when has that ever stopped people? We’ve dug up some staggering images that show just what life is like in North Korea, brace yourself. The differences are startling.

Wifi Blues

Let’s kick off with a humdinger. Contrary to popular belief, North Korea does indeed have computers. However, they don’t always have electricity to power up the computer(s). In fact, what you’re looking at is just a facade created by North Korean leaders in order to appear far better off than what is actual reality. Apparently a tourist visited a station where North Korean citizens were using computers, you know to prove that people do use computers, however this tourist probably wasn’t supposed to see the black, empty computer screen.

A Black Screen

Wifi Blues


The Band

Ah yes, the Moranbong Band! While similar to K-Pop girl’s group, the Moranbong Band has one huge difference, all of its members are hand-picked by Kim Jong-Un. Their music style includes numerous styles including pop, rock, and fusion. Moreover, typically the girls exclusively perform for the regime, but there are times when they also perform in China.

The Band

The Band