What You May Not Know About House Centipedes Could Save Your Life

Published on 09/30/2021

Centipede As A Pet

It’s unexpected, but it’s true. Also, there are centipede breeders, though the vast majority of centipedes sold in the pet industry are captured from the wild. The Scolopendra genus contains the centipedes that are most commonly sold as pets and in zoological displays around the world. In order to burrow, they require a substrate constructed of soil and coconut fiber, and they can be supplied crickets, cockroaches, and mealworms on a weekly or biweekly basis. Centipedes, on the other hand, have a few important characteristics to consider.

Centipede As A Pet

Centipede As A Pet



Nevertheless, if you do come across a centipede in your home, you should not ignore the warnings it gives you. As a result, it’s possible that you have a pest problem in your home that you’re not aware of. The great news is that you already have a harmless little friend who is taking care of the problem. Furthermore, all services are provided at no cost! What a fantastic deal!

