Artists Illustrates How Disney Characters Look If They Were Real – The Results Are Amazing!

Published on 11/12/2021

Moana From Moana – New 3D Painting

Moana would look like this if she were standing right in front of you as a real-life person, according to the Finnish artist’s re-imagining of the character. When Moana was reimagined, the artist captured her Polynesian heritage as a free-spirited young girl on the verge of discovering not only who she is, but also what she can do to help her village. The expression on her face really conveys her strong-willed curiosity, as does the look in her eyes. It also conveys a sense of soft determination, as evidenced by the closed lips and confident smile. The artist appears to have captured everything that this young lady embodies while also expertly portraying the difficulties she was experiencing at the time of the painting.

Moana From Moana – New 3D Painting

Moana From Moana – New 3D Painting


Belle From Beauty And The Beast – Original Painting

Even though she was brought up in a poor provincial town and was thought to be a little odd, her bravery, perseverance, and genuine beauty would change her life forever. While she is stunningly beautiful, Belle is the princess for every young lady who enjoys reading and who is willing to look a little deeper for beauty. Belle demonstrates to us all that how a person appears on the outside should never be taken into consideration. When she looked into the eyes of those around her and showed selfless acts of compassion, she discovered her unexpected prince. By falling in love with a prince, this brave and intelligent bookworm of a princess is able to win his heart.

Belle From Beauty And The Beast – Original Painting

Belle From Beauty And The Beast – Original Painting