These Mind-Boggling Green Screen Pictures Reveal How Animation Works In Films

Published on 05/19/2019

Space Jam

Come on and slam, and welcome to the biggest disappointment your kid-at-heart self will ever see. Fine, it is certainly impossible for Michael Jordan to be with a bunch of cartoon characters. However, our imagination knows no bounds when we are little! Who would have thought that MJ was actually such an amazing actor? Color us impressed! In all honesty, we would have been giggling the whole time if we were in his shoes.

Space Jam

Space Jam



We have a feeling that there were plenty of scenes in the movie that called for a green screen. This scene only involved grabbing a small boat and reenacting the scene. Of course, a titanic ocean liner is out of the question. They first lied to us by saying there is no more room on the door… now we see this.

