Our Favorite Celebrities’ Last Photos That Will Haunt You

Published on 07/16/2020

Keith Moon – Died at 32

Keith Moon was an English musician. He was the drummer for the rock band the Who. This photo of Moon was taken at a diner where he dined with Paul and Linda McCartney. After they get together, Moon died of an overdose by clomethiazole tablets. He was a known prankster and there were instances where he brought this self-destructive behavior during their band’s performances, like passing out on stage. According to Rolling Stone, he would disrupt small British villages by doing fake public service announcements and share bizarre news. 

Keith Moon Died At 32

Keith Moon Died At 32


Garry Shandling – Died at 66

Shandling was a comedian and actor. He suddenly collapsed at home and was rushed to a hospital. His untimely death was caused by a heart attack. However, an autopsy revealed that a blood clot had traveled to his lungs causing a pulmonary embolism. Before his death, he was thinking about the death of his friend, Robin Williams. This was Shandling’s thoughts, “What I want at my funeral is an actual boxing referee to do a count, and at ‘Five’, just wave it off and say, ‘He’s not getting up.’

Garry Shandling Died At 66

Garry Shandling Died At 66