Genius Hacks To Help Make Parenting A Breeze

Published on 02/18/2019

Make-shift Sweeper

We all know that once babies start to crawl, it can be hard to catch them. And soon enough, they can become unstoppable! Still, since they are already tiny bundle’s of energy crawling all over the house, why not strap some dusters to their onesie. This way you can enjoy a painless and hands-free way of cleaning and dusting the house. It’s really really a win-win situation!

Make-Shift Sweeper

Make-Shift Sweeper


Drink Up

When your little one is sick, trying to make sure they take their spoonful of medicine, can be one challenging game. Still, it doesn’t always have to be so complicated. One simple solution is to use a pacifier to help you deliver the proper dose. All you have to do is to cut off the tip and attach it to the medicine dropper in the resulting hole. It’s actually a genius plan!

Drink Up

Drink Up