Hidden Product Features We Wish We Knew About Earlier

Published on 11/30/2021

The Oven’s Bottom Isn’t For Storage

No one is surprised to learn that the bottom of the oven is used for extra storage space; this is common knowledge. The truth is, though, that is not what it is intended for. On most electric ovens, the bottom drawer serves as a warming drawer as well as a storage drawer. On some gas ovens, it can even function as a broiler, which is ideal for browning the tops of items before baking them.

The Oven's Bottom Isn't For Storage

The Oven’s Bottom Isn’t For Storage


“The Hole In The Spaghetti Spoon”

If your spaghetti spoon has a hole in the middle, it isn’t there to improve the aesthetics of the spoon’s design. They’re there for a reason, don’t forget that. The amount of noodles that will fit inside that hole is the amount that will be used to make one serving of noodles. You’ll never have to worry about making too much money again.

The Hole In The Spaghetti Spoon

The Hole In The Spaghetti Spoon