Interesting Facts About Russia You Need To Know

Published on 10/07/2018

Between the border of Europe and Asia lies the biggest country in the world. There is no denying that Russia is rich in culture and history. The said country has served as something like the capital of the communist movement all over the world. For several years, the former Soviet Union continued to strive even after the disbandment of the USSR all the way back in 1991. However, there are many interesting facts about Russia that you probably know nothing about. With this, let us begin learning more about the fascinating country.


Most people will get their head spinning with a shot of vodka. But for Russians, they consume vodka like water! In fact, it was only in 2011 that the Russian government declared beer an alcoholic beverage. In Russia, a beverage with 10% alcohol or less is considered to be a non-alcoholic drink.




Beard Tax

Most men in Russia don’t usually shave their beards off. However, at some point in their history, you needed to pay a certain amount if you were caught with a beard. They call this the beard tax. Men were required to shave their beards or else they would have to pay the fine. The government once created a team called the beard police specifically for this reason. The beard police roamed the streets of Russia and shaved off the beards of any man, regardless of the location. Thankfully, the government decided to do away with this rule.

Beard Tax

Beard Tax